Simulations of trajectories
Simulations of geomagnetic field
Simulation batches
Table description

Version - Version of the used internal and external geomagnetic field for particle tracing. Possible values and their meanings are:

  • T96 - Combined IGRF and Tsyganenko 96 magnetic field models.
  • T05 - Combined IGRF and Tsyganenko 05 magnetic field models.
  • T96LCR - Lowest Cutoff Rigidity mode of combined IGRF and Tsyganenko 96 magnetic field models. The simulation stops when the first of the evaluated trajectories is allowed. Since the order of rigidity values simulated is given, the first allowed trajectory will be one with the lowest cut-off rigidity. Simulations in this mode are guaranteed to be faster than in the normal mode, but the result is limited to the lowest cut-off rigidity evaluation.
  • T05LCR - Lowest Cutoff Rigidity mode of combined IGRF and Tsyganenko 05 magnetic field models. The simulation stops when the first of the evaluated trajectories is allowed. Since the order of rigidity values simulated is given, the first allowed trajectory will be one with the lowest cut-off rigidity. Simulations in this mode are guaranteed to be faster than in the normal mode, but the result is limited to the lowest cut-off rigidity evaluation.
  • H0-1968 - Models of geomagnetic field covering period from 0CE - 1900 described in Kudela K., Bobik P., Solar Physics, 2004
  • CALS10k.2 - Model of geomagnetic field covering last 10000 years described in Constable C., Korte M., Panovska S., Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2016

Year - Year of simulation.

DOY - Day Of Year a number between 1 and 365 (or 366 if leap year). DOY 1 means 1st January. DOY in the table is computed from date user entered to the form when creating request of simulation.

Hour - Hour of simulation, valid range is 0 to 23

Latitude - Geographical latitude, -90° to 90°

Longitude - Geographical longitude, 0° to 360°

Radius - Radius in units of Earth radii Re, from 1.00 to 10.00 Re, 1.00 Re = 6371.2 km 1.00 Re is Earth surface

Rigidity Step - Step of simulation in GV.

Date Added - Date when the specific simulation request was added by a user.

Directions calculated/entered - if '0/1' simulation for vertically vertically incoming particle. If '0/577' simulation for multidirectional simulation for 577 incoming directions uniformly distributed.

Optimization Level - One of three implemented starting rigidity optimization levels:

  • None - Starting rigidity is the same as 'Rigidity step' value.
  • Basic - Starting rigidity is derived from lowest rigidity latitudal belt region.
  • Advanced - Starting rigidity is derived from 2D approximation.

View / Delete - Additional information based on state of simulation. Possible states are:

  • X - If you own this request and it is not processed yet, you can remove it.
  • View - If the simulation is finished, anyone can view it.
  • Post processing - Simulation is in process of reprocessing last steps of it because the owner of the simulation changed spectrum at magnetopause.
  • Calculating - The system is still working on this simulation and it is not yet awailable to view.
  • No action - Simulation owner is not the same as the current user or it is in unknown state.

Download - If the simulation is finished, you can download the files straight from this link.

# Version Year DOY Hour Latitude Longitude Radius Rigidity Step Date Added Directions calculated/entered Optimization Level View / Delete Download
551 IGRF 2017 259 1 76.5 291.3 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:35:11 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 01:00:00
552 IGRF 2017 259 2 76.5 291.3 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:35:12 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 02:00:00
553 IGRF 2017 259 15 76.5 291.3 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:35:25 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 15:00:00
554 IGRF 2017 259 16 49.2 20.22 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:29:57 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 16:00:00
555 IGRF 2017 259 5 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:36 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 05:00:00
556 IGRF 2017 259 6 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:37 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 06:00:00
557 IGRF 2017 259 7 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:38 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 07:00:00
558 IGRF 2017 259 8 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:39 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 08:00:00
559 IGRF 2017 259 9 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:40 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 09:00:00
560 IGRF 2017 259 10 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:41 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 10:00:00
561 IGRF 2017 259 11 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:42 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 11:00:00
562 IGRF 2017 259 12 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:43 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 12:00:00
563 IGRF 2017 259 13 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:44 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 13:00:00
564 IGRF 2017 259 14 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:45 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 14:00:00
565 IGRF 2017 259 4 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:35 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 04:00:00
566 IGRF 2017 259 3 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:34 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 03:00:00
567 IGRF 2017 259 17 49.2 20.22 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:29:58 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 17:00:00
568 IGRF 2017 259 18 49.2 20.22 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:29:59 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 18:00:00
569 IGRF 2017 259 19 49.2 20.22 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:00 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 19:00:00
570 IGRF 2017 259 20 49.2 20.22 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:01 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 20:00:00
571 IGRF 2017 259 21 49.2 20.22 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:02 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 21:00:00
572 IGRF 2017 259 22 49.2 20.22 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:03 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 22:00:00
573 IGRF 2017 259 23 49.2 20.22 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:04 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 23:00:00
574 IGRF 2017 259 0 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:31 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 00:00:00
575 IGRF 2017 259 1 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:32 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 01:00:00
576 IGRF 2017 259 2 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:33 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 02:00:00
577 IGRF 2017 259 15 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:46 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 15:00:00
578 IGRF 2017 259 16 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:47 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 16:00:00
579 IGRF 2017 259 5 68.36 226.28 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:32:41 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 05:00:00
580 IGRF 2017 259 6 68.36 226.28 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:32:42 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 06:00:00
581 IGRF 2017 259 7 68.36 226.28 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:32:43 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 07:00:00
582 IGRF 2017 259 8 68.36 226.28 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:32:44 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 08:00:00
583 IGRF 2017 259 9 68.36 226.28 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:32:45 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 09:00:00
584 IGRF 2017 259 10 68.36 226.28 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:32:46 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 10:00:00
585 IGRF 2017 259 11 68.36 226.28 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:32:47 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 11:00:00
586 IGRF 2017 259 12 68.36 226.28 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:32:48 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 12:00:00
587 IGRF 2017 259 13 68.36 226.28 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:32:49 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 13:00:00
588 IGRF 2017 259 14 68.36 226.28 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:32:50 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 14:00:00
589 IGRF 2017 259 4 68.36 226.28 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:32:40 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 04:00:00
590 IGRF 2017 259 3 68.36 226.28 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:32:39 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 03:00:00
591 IGRF 2017 259 17 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:48 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 17:00:00
592 IGRF 2017 259 18 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:49 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 18:00:00
593 IGRF 2017 259 19 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:50 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 19:00:00
594 IGRF 2017 259 20 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:51 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 20:00:00
595 IGRF 2017 259 21 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:52 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 21:00:00
596 IGRF 2017 259 22 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:53 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 22:00:00
597 IGRF 2017 259 23 65.05 25.47 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:30:54 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 23:00:00
598 IGRF 2017 259 0 68.36 226.28 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:32:36 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 00:00:00
599 IGRF 2017 259 1 68.36 226.28 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:32:37 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 01:00:00
600 IGRF 2017 259 2 68.36 226.28 1 0.01 2022-05-12 10:32:38 1/1 No optimization View

Be aware that on Windows you need to use software called 7-Zip to open .tar.bz2 archive. Be sure to use the newest version. 7-Zip version 19 contained a bug that would cause a failure when attempting to open tar.bz2 archives. We recommend using version 7-Zip 23.01.

2017-09-16 02:00:00