Table description

Model Version - Version of the used internal and external geomagnetic field for particle tracing. Possible values and their meanings are:

  • T96 - Combined IGRF and Tsyganenko 96 magnetic field models.
  • T05 - Combined IGRF and Tsyganenko 05 magnetic field models.

Year - Year of simulation.

DOY - Day Of Year a number between 1 and 365 (or 366 if leap year). DOY 1 means 1st January. DOY in the table is computed from date user entered to the form when creating request of simulation.

Hour - Hour of simulation, valid range is 0 to 23

Geographical Latitude - Valid range from -90° to 90°

Geographical Longitude - Valid range from 0° to 360°

Latitude direction - Latitude coordinate of incoming direction in local coordinate system rotated around geographical point.

Longitude direction - Longitude coordinate of incoming direction in local coordinate system rotated around geographical point.

Radius - Radius in units of Earth radii Re, from 1.00 to 10.00 Re, 1.00 Re = 6371.2 km 1.00 Re is Earth surface

Rigidity - Rigidity of particale that will be traced.

Date Added - Date when the specific simulation request was added by a user.

View / Delete - Additional information based on state of simulation. Possible states are:

  • X - If you own this request and it is not processed yet, you can remove it.
  • View - If the simulation is finished, anyone can view it.
  • Post processing - Simulation is in process of reprocessing last steps of it because the owner of the simulation changed spectrum at magnetopause.
  • Calculating - The system is still working on this simulation and it is not yet awailable to view.
  • No action - Simulation owner is not the same as the current user or it is in unknown state.
# Model version Year DOY Hour Geographic latitude Geographic longitude Latitude direction Longitude direction Radius Rigidity Date Added View
1 T96 2015 355 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 9.41 2021-07-20 08:34:36 View
2015-12-21 18:00:00
2 T05 2015 354 18 -67.6 62.87 -67.6 62.87 1 24.1 2021-07-25 17:48:09 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
3 T05 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 81.43 2021-07-22 15:27:02 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
4 T05 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 38.52 2021-07-22 15:26:53 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
5 T05 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 24.1 2021-07-22 15:26:46 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
6 T05 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 16.85 2021-07-22 15:26:39 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
7 T05 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 12.37 2021-07-22 15:26:29 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
8 T05 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 7.18 2021-07-22 15:26:22 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
9 T05 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 5.46 2021-07-22 15:26:13 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
10 T05 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 3.95 2021-07-22 15:26:05 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
11 T96 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 81.43 2021-07-22 09:30:45 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
12 T96 2015 354 18 -67.6 62.87 -67.6 62.87 1 3.95 2021-07-25 17:45:54 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
13 T05 2015 354 18 -67.6 62.87 -67.6 62.87 1 3.95 2021-07-25 17:46:10 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
14 T96 2015 354 18 -67.6 62.87 -67.6 62.87 1 24.1 2021-07-25 17:47:59 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
15 T96 2015 354 18 -67.6 62.87 -67.6 62.87 1 16.85 2021-07-25 17:47:49 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
16 T05 2015 354 18 -67.6 62.87 -67.6 62.87 1 16.85 2021-07-25 17:47:45 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
17 T05 2015 354 18 -67.6 62.87 -67.6 62.87 1 12.37 2021-07-25 17:47:33 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
18 T96 2015 354 18 -67.6 62.87 -67.6 62.87 1 12.37 2021-07-25 17:47:26 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
19 T05 2015 354 18 -67.6 62.87 -67.6 62.87 1 9.41 2021-07-25 17:47:11 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
20 T05 2015 354 18 -67.6 62.87 -67.6 62.87 1 7.18 2021-07-25 17:46:51 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
21 T96 2015 354 18 -67.6 62.87 -67.6 62.87 1 7.18 2021-07-25 17:46:44 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
22 T96 2015 354 18 -67.6 62.87 -67.6 62.87 1 5.46 2021-07-25 17:46:25 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
23 T05 2015 354 18 -67.6 62.87 -67.6 62.87 1 5.46 2021-07-25 17:46:20 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
24 T96 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 38.52 2021-07-22 09:30:35 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
25 T96 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 24.1 2021-07-22 09:30:14 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
26 T96 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 16.85 2021-07-22 09:29:59 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
27 T96 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 1000 2021-07-26 08:15:31 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
28 T05 2015 354 18 -67.6 62.87 -67.6 62.87 1 38.52 2021-07-25 17:48:20 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
29 T96 2015 354 18 -67.6 62.87 -67.6 62.87 1 9.41 2021-07-25 17:47:16 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
30 T05 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 1000 2021-07-26 08:14:40 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
31 T96 2015 354 18 -67.6 62.87 -67.6 62.87 1 1000 2021-07-26 08:13:20 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
32 T05 2015 354 18 -67.6 62.87 -67.6 62.87 1 81.43 2021-07-25 17:48:44 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
33 T05 2015 354 18 -67.6 62.87 -67.6 62.87 1 1000 2021-07-26 08:13:31 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
34 T96 2015 354 18 -67.6 62.87 -67.6 62.87 1 81.43 2021-07-25 17:48:39 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
35 T96 2015 354 18 -67.6 62.87 -67.6 62.87 1 38.52 2021-07-25 17:48:27 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
36 T96 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 12.37 2021-07-22 09:29:48 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
37 T96 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 7.18 2021-07-22 09:29:28 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
38 T96 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 5.46 2021-07-22 09:29:06 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
39 T96 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 3.95 2021-07-22 09:28:40 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
40 T96 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 9.41 2021-07-20 08:38:27 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
41 T05 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 9.41 2021-07-20 08:59:22 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
42 T96 2015 354 18 -66.55 140 -66.55 140 1 20 2021-07-20 16:40:40 View
2015-12-20 18:00:00
43 T96 2006 347 3 65.05 25.47 65.05 25.47 1 1.77 2021-08-25 13:07:06 View
2006-12-13 03:00:00
44 T96 2006 347 3 65.05 25.47 65.05 25.47 1 4.07 2021-08-25 13:07:45 View
2006-12-13 03:00:00
45 T05 2006 347 3 65.05 25.47 65.05 25.47 1 4.07 2021-08-25 13:10:38 View
2006-12-13 03:00:00
46 T05 2006 347 3 65.05 25.47 65.05 25.47 1 12.49 2021-08-25 13:09:56 View
2006-12-13 03:00:00
47 T05 2006 347 3 63.05 25.47 63.05 25.47 1 4.07 2021-08-25 13:09:31 View
2006-12-13 03:00:00
48 T05 2006 347 3 65.05 25.47 65.05 25.47 1 1.77 2021-08-25 13:08:57 View
2006-12-13 03:00:00
49 T96 2006 347 3 67.57 33.4 67.57 33.4 1 1.77 2021-08-25 14:23:45 View
2006-12-13 03:00:00
50 T96 2006 347 3 65.05 25.47 65.05 25.47 1 12.49 2021-08-25 13:08:15 View
2006-12-13 03:00:00